Thursday, March 24, 2011


Today we took a test on ancient Greece and it was really hard

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 5 Greece

Paraclese- "was digging up the city like a prostitute" He finished it in 15 years. 40 foot statues were used as collums. Most famous groups in western history. Odipus was taken away from his parents and a fortune teller told him he was going to kill his father  and marry his mother. He went on to be a great leader and solved the rittle of the sphynx. Parcalese wanted to make Athens the leader of the Mediteranian. Paraclese goes at war with Sparta. Sparta was the only city state that had as much power as Athens. Paraclese convinced Athenians to retreat to Paraues.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 4 Greece movie

Themistaclese is the greatest leader he would save Greece. Trimeme is a state of the art ship. It is a missle. The goal was to ram the other persons ship but they were very expensive.  On 483 BC Athenians found silver. The wanted to divided the riches with themselves but Themistacles wanted to use silver on the ships. They built the greatest navy. Darius died and Zurxiese took over. he wont rest untill he burns Athens to the ground. 2million men were in Zurxiese army. 480 BC the Persain army set out for Greece. the Oracal at Delphi tells him war would bring them low they are doomed. Themistaclese refused to panic. But the wooden wall only should  not fail.  they fought the Persians at sea. Salamis was a small island off the coast of Athens. thats were everyone left to. Zurxiese burnt monuments down. they fought at sea in a small water way between Athens and Salamis. At the end of the battle Peria lost 200 ships and Greece won the battle. Delian League was Athens empire. After the battle of Salimis in less than a decade it became the most powerful govemet with democracy it gave them a huge advantage. Athinians voted Themistaclese out becasue he reminded them  what they owed him. He died in exile.

Pericles was a leader of Athens. he was born into Athens most elite family. He knew they wanted a city  that can rule an empire. His vision was to make the greatest city ever; funding artist, employment building things. He wanted to build a Partenon for Athena. Pericles took the building as his own it was really important to him. Their was a 40 foot gold statue of Athena. it took 15 years to build. Partin of Frezes was a marble carved of pictures of Athenians the went around the building. It the most striking legacy of Athens.  Aspasia is a beautiful forgein prostitute who Pericles  divorced his wife for. pericles treated her as an equal witch was not likely for women. They also think she wrote his speeches for him. the favorite tales of Greek plays were about tragities. The Greeks invented drama.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

greece Day 3

People of Athens took destiny in their own hands they rose up in revolution. Isagoris is the leader after Hippiass hes on top of a mountain with Sparta. That was in 508 BC. It was the first time in history ordinary people seized power. So the people turned to Clisonisie. Agora is a central meeting place. Clisonese established voting with black and white pebbles.(democracy)  They voted on taxes, building roads, anyone could make a difference except women and slaves. 490 BC Pheidippides ran and made the most amazing achievements. The persians attacked Athens. Hipolights had their own weapons and armer Athens just took the bows and arrows they had for hunting. it was very foggy and you couldn't see anything. You just had to hope everyone pushed through. Pheiippides ran about 200 miles in less then two days. Pheidippides ran from athens to sparta. Themistocles

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Movie on Greece again

508 BC 5 centuries before the birth of Christ. Pandolonium went through the streets of Athens as they turned on their leader. Cleisthenes  was an aristocrat. He saw the ordinary people should have their own destiny. He led the people on the path to empire. he was born 570 BC. Athens was just a little place.


reading and writing was a rare skill their was no medicine.

Their are so many mountains they don't have a lot of natural things you need
Sparta- was born to be soldiers, raised on field, separated from family started at 7 years old

Stories influencecd and shaped Homer. the two most famous tales are the Illid and the Odyssey. Illid is about the trojan war.

Tyrant- a ruler
Pisistratus- a sceemer, was extremely intelligent. Wants to get support of regular people so he cuts taxes and creates loans.
Syrup is a major product so was olive oil
the vase was Athens first big thing. what was inside the pot was worth  more then the pot itself. Potters worked in the red light district that is were people get hookers. Designs were based on Egyptian and Persterian art. they made it for pride not for money.

Hippis in 514BC brother was murdered. he became suspicious of everyone when his brother was murdered he became a Tyrant of this day.

Clisonisi esmebled a consperisy to over through Hippis. He was now one of the most powerful people in Athens. Greek was changing.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Greec epowerpoint

Geography of Greece
Mountainous peninsula
Mountains cover 3/4
Approximately 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas
Skilled sailors
poor natural resources
Difficult to unite the ancient Greeks because of the terrain; developed small, independent communities.
Greece is on the Mediteranian sea. It is next to Asia and above Egypt.
20% suitable for farming
fertile valleys cover 1/4 of peninsula
because of geography the Greek diet consists of grains, grapes, olives
lack of resources most likely led to Greek colonization
temperature range from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer.

Began around 2000 BC
Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft thick wall
Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1200BC
controlled trade in the region
1400BC Mycenaeans invaded Crete absorbed Minoan culture and lanuage

Culture in Decline
around 12000 BC sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after place
the Dorians moved into the war-torn region
far less advanced
economy collapsed
writing disappeared for 400 years.

Homer and Myths
Only stories were kept and passed on by word mouth
Homer lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Ages"
Recored stories of the Trojan War in the lliad and the Odyssey(written 750-700BC)
Trojan war was probably one of the last conquest of the Mycenaeans

Greeks invented democracy.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Greeks

508 BC: Athens in Mingin Greece turned on their rulers. One man looked on name Questerlies. He saw these people should have freedom and be able to run themselves he set them on the path to empire. He was born 570 BC. He was taught he was an aristocrat. Greece used to be named Hellis. Greece was build on a strong hole. For athienians writing and reading was an uncommon skill. People had babies at 15. The whole country was in the hands of a few people.

Greece doe not have the physical unity to be a great civilization they had to many mountians. Greece did not have many rivers. It was divided into little nations called city States. Corinthians dominated Greece trades. One city state had military power it was Sparta. They were raised from the fields separated from the family. 

Spartans think death is nothing compared to eating the food they ate. Spartans were always a threat.

Ancient tales and myths were a big part of Greece. the two most famous tales are the illiot and the odyssey. Mythical figures who strength as bought them power and glory. 

Athiena was supposed to be the leading lady of Athens.Pysistersist was an extremely inteligent man. He reduced taxes and offered land. He began to transform his city.  Athenians wealth started to rise. Athens first artistic legacy was the vase. What was in the pots was worth more than the pot its self. If you were a potter you were the lowest in Greece. disigns were based on Egyptians art.

527 Pytisterist died. His son Hypisus took over. He followed in his fathers foot steps then in 514 Hypisus brother was murded and everything completely changed. He killed the muder and the murderes wife.  In revenge for his brother he gained suspicous on everyone. Pysonese tried to over power Hypsius. Hypisus became a tyrant and was banished form athens for ever.

Pyonese started to change Greek society. Once every four yea men gather and compete for  an athletic title it was the modern Olympic games. Anyone could play the games Kings could go against potters. running wrestling boxing cheriot races was some of the games. 40,000 Greeks would gather for the Olympic games. To win would be the highlight of their lives.

You have to go in their and show you can win Pyonese would do anything he could to gain power. He turned outside Athens to get support he went to Sparta. He shared his wife  with the Sparta King. He wanted to turn Athens into a subject state for Sparta. Pysonese left Greece over to a Sparta dictator.

People of Athens put their destiny in their own hand the year was 508 BC. it was Athens firt step to an Empire it was the first time in history the people took over and Cithonese came back to rule Athens.  Even ordinary Greeks could be heros in politics and Athens showed that. They could vote with black and white pebbles.
Pitipitese would make the most athletic astonishing achievments in History. His home is about to be concurred by the entire Persian empire. Athens was gaining power witch was a threat to the Persians and they hadd to destroy it.  It was between freedom and slavory between Athens and Persia. Pitipitese ran 140 miles in two days. Help was refused and they had to fight a lone. Athenians killed over 6000 Persians in one day. that was just the starrt of the war with Persia.

Tyiens where state of the art ships. the goal was to ram the enemies ship. they were very fast and very expensive. 483.BC athenians decovered silver. They wanted to diveided the silver between themselves. But Hamistaclese wanted to use the silver for ships. He pursuaded athens to build the biggest navy.
Darius dide in 486BC Zurcxises took over.t

Thursday, March 10, 2011

3-10 Greece

Cyrus the Great- found the first world empire after defeating the Median dynasty and uniting the Medes with other major Iranian tribe, the Persians.

Darius the Great-He was known to be one of the greatest rulers of the Persian dynasty.

Marathon-Greeks left their mainland and ended up in Iona. Iona was later taken over by Persia. Greeks won the war. First victory for the Greeks in the Persian war.

Xerxes:Biggest army ever assembled. revenge is fathers defeat.

Leonidas- one of the few Spartan kings to have ever undergone the notoriously harsh training of Spartan youth. He was a hero king of Sparta. Lost the battle of Thermopaly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today in class we each got a number. What ever was on our number we had o research about. My research topic was about the barbarians. The Greek would call people barbarians if they were insensitive and uncultured or cruel people. It was defiantly not something you wanted to be called.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Egypt Now

Egypt's Economy
tourism (who wouldn't want to see the pyramids?)
oil, natural gs, manufacturing

agriculture-making the most of their limited arable land (3%)

  • cotton,corn, rice, wheat, fava bean
  •  the dam controls the flooding of the Nile, and increases the amount of reclaimed land.
shomu is when the water is short.

Egypt's Demographics
79-million people-biggest population of Middle Eastern nations, third biggest African country
Cairo:6.7 million
NYC:8.3 million

Official language: Arabic (English, French, some German)
Religion is 90% Muslim, most of the rest are Christians
(Egypt is 12th in religious violence, 5th worst of religious freedom)

Egypt-flag and national anthem
red, white, and black

Egypt-politics, government, revolution
1953-Egypt declared a Republics
1954-1970-ruled by Gamal Nasser
  • nationalizes the Suez Canal
  • forms allegiance with Soviet Union
1970 ruled by Anwar Sadat
  • switches allegiance to the USA
  • attacked Israel over Sinai Peninsula, but later made peace
  • Sada assassinated in 1981
1981-2011-ruled by Hosni Mubarak
  • kept alliance with US
  • accused of corruption, political persecution, human rights violations
  • driven from office following mass demonstrations last month
Whats Next for Egypt
Egypt currently ruled by military junta, but democratic elections scheduled for September 2011
Some want Mubarak arrested and tried for embezzling from the government. He might have stolen 50-70 billion
Revolution is in the air throughout Middle East and North Africa:
  • Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria..
  • ...and Libya
Libya has been ruled by Muammar Gaddafi since 1969
  • he is violently opposing Libya's uprising
  • Libya may descend into full civil war
  • the east controlled by rebels, but he still holds the capital so far.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Part 2 notes on Prezi

Hieroglyphics are pictures and hieratic's are the alphabet

soldiers used wooden weapons (bow&arrows, spears) with bronze tips and might ride chariots.
 upper class, known as the "white kilt class"-priest, physicians, engineers.

Hatshepsut was a women who served as pharaoh.
Cleopatra also served as pharaoh much later(51-30BC)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prezi Notes

Geography of Egypt
-daily life
-goddess's and Gods

Egyptian life is centered around the Nile
-The water form the Nile comes from the mountains
-water for drinking for irrigating and bathing
-Every July it floods
-a delta is a broad marshy triangular area of fertile silt
-maninging the river needed irrigation

-The great Sphinx of Giza is the most famous pyramid built 2532BC
        -a recumbent lion with a human's head
         -oldest monumentally statue in the world

Daily Life
-bottom to top slaves and servants, farmers, artisans, merchants, scribes. soldiers, government officials, pharaohs
-slaves/servants helped the wealthy with household
-farmers raised wheat, barley, lentils onions;benefited from the Nile
-artisans would crave statues and reliefs showing military battles and scenes in afterlife
-money/barter system was useed-merchants might accept bags of grain for payment-later coinage came about
-scribes kept records, told stories,m wrote poetry

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today in class we tried to go over the test we took about three weeks ago, but it got interrupted and we never finished. I am very sorry for the class's behavior and I hope it will not happen again