Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 4 Greece movie

Themistaclese is the greatest leader he would save Greece. Trimeme is a state of the art ship. It is a missle. The goal was to ram the other persons ship but they were very expensive.  On 483 BC Athenians found silver. The wanted to divided the riches with themselves but Themistacles wanted to use silver on the ships. They built the greatest navy. Darius died and Zurxiese took over. he wont rest untill he burns Athens to the ground. 2million men were in Zurxiese army. 480 BC the Persain army set out for Greece. the Oracal at Delphi tells him war would bring them low they are doomed. Themistaclese refused to panic. But the wooden wall only should  not fail.  they fought the Persians at sea. Salamis was a small island off the coast of Athens. thats were everyone left to. Zurxiese burnt monuments down. they fought at sea in a small water way between Athens and Salamis. At the end of the battle Peria lost 200 ships and Greece won the battle. Delian League was Athens empire. After the battle of Salimis in less than a decade it became the most powerful govemet with democracy it gave them a huge advantage. Athinians voted Themistaclese out becasue he reminded them  what they owed him. He died in exile.

Pericles was a leader of Athens. he was born into Athens most elite family. He knew they wanted a city  that can rule an empire. His vision was to make the greatest city ever; funding artist, employment building things. He wanted to build a Partenon for Athena. Pericles took the building as his own it was really important to him. Their was a 40 foot gold statue of Athena. it took 15 years to build. Partin of Frezes was a marble carved of pictures of Athenians the went around the building. It the most striking legacy of Athens.  Aspasia is a beautiful forgein prostitute who Pericles  divorced his wife for. pericles treated her as an equal witch was not likely for women. They also think she wrote his speeches for him. the favorite tales of Greek plays were about tragities. The Greeks invented drama.

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