Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Information For Test tomorrow 2-9

What to know on the test
where is the fertile crescent
why did the Mesopotamia do so well
who was Jared diamond what did he do....anthrapoligists, he wrote a book
name some crops that help people advance...rice, corn, wheat, barley, sorghum,
More land is known to grow wheat then anything else
 Whats good and bad about fills you up but you cant store it and doesn't have protein
What is the capital of New Guinea...Port Morsby
What is the main religion? Christian
Where is new guinea?
What are hunter gathers (short answer)...they spend all day gathering food and do not have time for anything else the have to move almost everyday
Whats the significant of having a don't have to go hunting and gathering you can fees the whole community for a long time and you don't have to move. specialized neighbor ones who make clothes and weapons and things
how can you be geographically lucky? being able to farm for a long time having the right crops and domesticated animals
What is the term cargo?material things that you aquire over life
what are good characteristics of a domesticated plant?nuetrictious, easy to pant store for a long time, you can do various things with it.
What is a good domestic animal...has to be over 100 pounds, not a carnavoir. have to get a long with other animals. can be tamed,produce milk
big animals don,t have baby's often
Modern day New Guinea...85% of jobs are farmer the other percent
significant of latitude...the same types of crops grow at the same latitude so the have the same length of day. animals will do just as well in another
What needs to happen when you get out of hunting and have to become a farmer and grow food to store
DRAA' first village to keep their crops in know what it is

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