Monday, May 16, 2011


 Begins the Pax Romana-a period of peace and prosperity, Buily roads, aqueducts (brought water to the cities) Set up civil service to take care of roads, the grain supply, even a postal service. Augutus dies at age 76 in AD

 a roman citizen practicing Jew. at 30 e began his ministy. The governor of the Roman province of Judaea, Pontius Pilaate sentence Jesus to death by crucifixion. Some people believe he will return someday but other people don't.Instrumental in telling the world about Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and message. He travels far and wide: Cyprus, Anatolia, Athens, Corinth, Macedonia, Rome, Jerusalem, and maybe even Spain and Britain. He writes letter to many of those he spoke to these epistles are a part of the Neww Testament. If not for the efforts of Pau, it is likely that Jesus remains an obscure preacher, insted of the central figure of the world largest religion.

Most influential People in History
1. Muhammad
2. Sir Isaac Newton
4. Buddha
5. Confucius
6. St. Paul of Tarsus

Setpson of Augustus and adopted sun.  he was dark, somber, reclusive, and reluctnt emperor. He didn't get a long with Senators he said the were "men fit to be slaves". Died in AD 37 at the age of 77.

Germanicus' son. he was Tiberius' adopted grandson and great-nephew putting him nex in line for emperor. He granted bonuses to those in the military. Then he began to fight with the Senate. He claimed to be a god and has staues displayed in many places. including inthe Jewish temple. Other example of cruelty and insanity; he slept with men's wives and bragged about it. Induldege in to much spening and sex and made his horse a consl and a priest.

Was made fun of by his family because of his disabilites. He was the last adult male in his family when Caligula was killed. He rose to the occasion: He conquered Britain; he built roads, canals, and aqueducs; he renovated the Circus Maximus. married Messalina who was unfaithful. She was plotting to seize power for her lover Silius through a coup so Claudius had the killed. Married 4 times.

Religious troubles
Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic. ROmans had many Gods, plus at times the emperror was viewed as a God. A group of Jews called Zealots tried to rebel but Roman troops put them down and burned their temple. the western wall today is the holiest of all Jewsish shrines.

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