Thursday, May 5, 2011


Better Goverment
Rome didn't have a tryant. The had three different goverments in one which were
Plebians were the lower class everyone but slaves wer eknown as Plebians if you weren't rich you were a Plebs
They used a legion consisting 5000 men. A century was a subgroup in the Roman Legion.
Puenic wars- in Northan Africa in Carthage. A lot of people traded there.

Large farms that were formed when landowners bought up smaller farms
Hannibal destroyed there farmes and village. They sold there land to the wealthy and moved  to Rome.
Gracchus Brothers- Tiberious and Gaius. They were PLEBIAN they attemped to pass land reform legislation-tried to get their land back. Both were assassinated, both tribune. Tiberious was clubbed to death. Gaius took offivve 10 years after brothers death.

Pompey and Crassus formed an alignance with Ceasar and they formed a triumpance. Ceasar recrueded Crassus. Crassus had a military backround and one of the richest people. they conquered GAUL when he died. Pompey also had a military backround was Ceasars fathern in law.

Ceasar's Assasination-became dictator, March 15 he was assassinated he was stabbed 23 times in the chest because he was becoming too powerful. perpetual means dictator for life. Brutus was the main leader of the assassinataion. His mom was one of Julias's mistriseses. Planned to kill him in a meeting at the Theater of Pompey. the last words were "Et tu Brute" which means and you Brutus.

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