Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today we took a test and i got an 80


Today i came into school late so i wan't in class for long but we reviewed for the test

Monday, May 30, 2011


Today we spent they whole day on the beach again. Their were people fishing on shore and someone caught a four foot shark! My other cousin Abbey got here around 7pm because today was her last day of school. Lucky. Later that night we went to the boardwalk and me and Abbey road the sling shot. right before we went off the guy said he forgot something onthe ride so i started freakingout and then he went to reach for it and we shot up in the air. I guess he was just joking becasue im still alive but it was not funny.

may 26

Today i wasn't in class because I was in Ocean City. My family and I spent the whole day on the beach then went to dinner at dead freddies. After that my cousin Jen and my parents and I went tp northside park and walked around. They have some of the biggest houses i have ever seen on 125th street. After the park went to go look at all those huge houses even though all of my family's money combined wouldn't be able to afford one. Last, we went back to the condo and whatched the Hangover


Commodus- Roman empire began its decline while he was in rule

Diocletian- In 214 he was the emeror he was a strong willed army leader and a son of a slave

Constantine- a young commander who was one of the four rivals competeing for power when the civil war broke out

Eastern Empire- the wealthier half of the empire and was ruled by Diocletian

Western Empire- not as wealthy as the east and was not ruled by Diocletian

Battle of Milvian Bridge- the clash between Constantine and his rival fought near the bridge which is two miles outside of Rome. Constantine won!

Edict of Milan- it is when Constantine announced the end to the persecution of Christians and their religion was approved by the emperor

Constantinople- the capital which was given its new name of Constantinople after the center of the empire shifted from west to east

Germanic Peoples-  lived near the Rhine River the Huns raided them

Huns- people who were feared and as they moved west the Germanic People moved too and eventually destroyed the western half of the empire

Alaric- marched across the Alps towards Rome and was the king of the Visigoths in 410

Gaiseric- king of the Vandals in 455 sailed to Rome from north Africa and was a ruthless leader

Attila- one the the Huns leaders that made them seem more dangerous

Leo I- the Pope in 452

Romulus Augustus- the last Roman emperor who was 14 years old

Odoacer- a barbarian general who took the throne from Romulus Augustus

  1. In the third century they had economic problems such as poor harvests, disruption of trade, no more plunder from wars, gold and silver drain inflation, and crushing tax burden.
  2. Romes military had changed because their soldiers only fought so they could earn money so then they had to find barbarians who would accept lower pay fo teir military.
  3. The religious change that Constantine brought was when he ended the persecution of Christians. The political change he brought was when he gained control of the western and eastern empire and changing the capital.
  4. Germanic tribes invaded the empire because the Huns were moving and they felt threatened and moved west just like the Huns. Their army wasn't strong so the empire was unable to drive invaders out.
  5. Diocletian should be considered a successful emperor because he made the empire stronger, he divided the empire into two parts, and he was ranked as one of the greatest emperors. Three reasons why Diocletian could be known as a failure is because not 100% of the reforms were a success, taxes were higher because of him having to pay the soldiers more, and when he tried to control the prices that mission failed.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today in class we were making changes on our papers due tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do on my paper.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Powerpoint 2

Persecution of Christains
ROmans were harsh toward those who didn't worship the emperor. Christains who were viewed as followers of a new upstart religion were escpecially persectued. They were thrown to the lions. Despite everything Christianity grew quickly and around 10 percent of the people in Rome were Christains.

Essay for test
What is the difference between the Roman Empire and Roman Repubic.

Monday, May 16, 2011


 Begins the Pax Romana-a period of peace and prosperity, Buily roads, aqueducts (brought water to the cities) Set up civil service to take care of roads, the grain supply, even a postal service. Augutus dies at age 76 in AD

 a roman citizen practicing Jew. at 30 e began his ministy. The governor of the Roman province of Judaea, Pontius Pilaate sentence Jesus to death by crucifixion. Some people believe he will return someday but other people don't.Instrumental in telling the world about Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and message. He travels far and wide: Cyprus, Anatolia, Athens, Corinth, Macedonia, Rome, Jerusalem, and maybe even Spain and Britain. He writes letter to many of those he spoke to these epistles are a part of the Neww Testament. If not for the efforts of Pau, it is likely that Jesus remains an obscure preacher, insted of the central figure of the world largest religion.

Most influential People in History
1. Muhammad
2. Sir Isaac Newton
4. Buddha
5. Confucius
6. St. Paul of Tarsus

Setpson of Augustus and adopted sun.  he was dark, somber, reclusive, and reluctnt emperor. He didn't get a long with Senators he said the were "men fit to be slaves". Died in AD 37 at the age of 77.

Germanicus' son. he was Tiberius' adopted grandson and great-nephew putting him nex in line for emperor. He granted bonuses to those in the military. Then he began to fight with the Senate. He claimed to be a god and has staues displayed in many places. including inthe Jewish temple. Other example of cruelty and insanity; he slept with men's wives and bragged about it. Induldege in to much spening and sex and made his horse a consl and a priest.

Was made fun of by his family because of his disabilites. He was the last adult male in his family when Caligula was killed. He rose to the occasion: He conquered Britain; he built roads, canals, and aqueducs; he renovated the Circus Maximus. married Messalina who was unfaithful. She was plotting to seize power for her lover Silius through a coup so Claudius had the killed. Married 4 times.

Religious troubles
Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic. ROmans had many Gods, plus at times the emperror was viewed as a God. A group of Jews called Zealots tried to rebel but Roman troops put them down and burned their temple. the western wall today is the holiest of all Jewsish shrines.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Caliglia is now Emporor and envaded Brittin. He was a crazy leader and during the Brittish envasion he order his men to stop and collect sea shells and decides to kill a priest. Coliglia wanted a statue of himself in the temple of Jeruselum the biggest worship building for the Jewa. After Coliglia Claudius is empror and his wife Mealena had affairs with other people.


Tibirius in his elddr ages engaged in porn and got people to make statues of it and paint pictures. Romans were trying to avoid having one extremel powerful ruler but thats whar they got. In this part of the video it explains the first time you hear about Jesus in ancient history. Paull was an historical figure. In Romes eyes Jesus was a criminal.

Wendesday 5-15

Octavius becam emporor after the trumprage. This is the point where Rome change from republic to an Empire. Tiberious, Caligula, Claudius were Octavious's Heirs. Greece, Syria, Africa and Spain wa all apart of Rome. Tibirius was leader fter Octavious and he was Octavius's step son. Tibirius was an indecisive leader. Calig is a baby in an army uniform. Their were public baths and Sagan was hung.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today we went over our Greek and rome test. I got an 80 on both! I was really suprised and happy because i thought i failed the Rome test!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


After two weeks  on studying Rome we had a test today. It was pretty hard and I don't think i did well at all:(

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Better Goverment
Rome didn't have a tryant. The had three different goverments in one which were
Plebians were the lower class everyone but slaves wer eknown as Plebians if you weren't rich you were a Plebs
They used a legion consisting 5000 men. A century was a subgroup in the Roman Legion.
Puenic wars- in Northan Africa in Carthage. A lot of people traded there.

Large farms that were formed when landowners bought up smaller farms
Hannibal destroyed there farmes and village. They sold there land to the wealthy and moved  to Rome.
Gracchus Brothers- Tiberious and Gaius. They were PLEBIAN they attemped to pass land reform legislation-tried to get their land back. Both were assassinated, both tribune. Tiberious was clubbed to death. Gaius took offivve 10 years after brothers death.

Pompey and Crassus formed an alignance with Ceasar and they formed a triumpance. Ceasar recrueded Crassus. Crassus had a military backround and one of the richest people. they conquered GAUL when he died. Pompey also had a military backround was Ceasars fathern in law.

Ceasar's Assasination-became dictator, March 15 he was assassinated he was stabbed 23 times in the chest because he was becoming too powerful. perpetual means dictator for life. Brutus was the main leader of the assassinataion. His mom was one of Julias's mistriseses. Planned to kill him in a meeting at the Theater of Pompey. the last words were "Et tu Brute" which means and you Brutus.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today Mr.Schick was not in calss and me and Fiona finished our powerpoint so we didn't have to do much work in class today except add some more pictures.

Monday, May 2, 2011

5-2 Octavian

Today we only had about 8 people in our class, but we broke up into groups of two and got a paragraph from the rap to make a powerpoint about. My partner is Fiona and we got the Part about Octavian aka Agustus. He was Ceasar's adopted son and his enemy was  Antony. They went to war against eachother where Octavian had to go against Antony and Cleopatraa. Octavian ended up winning the war and got the name Augustus

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rome Rap





Tiber River



Roman Tunic





Thursday, April 28, 2011


Today in class we had a pop quiz on the reading we were supposed to read last night. It was also Clarkes birthday! Happy Birthday! We were under a tornado warning pretty much all day and we had two lock downs witch was actually pretty fun but scary. No reading assignments tonight so that is exciting! We had a pop quiz yesterday too but i was not in school so I did not take it and hopefully will not have too! Tomorrows friday friday friday yay yay yay yay yay yay yay ay! I think thats about 100 words.

Second Part of Roman reading

1a. Why were many plebeians dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic?
In 509 B.C. the Romans kicked their king out and the patricians controlled Rome's government for a period of time. Therefore, the Plebeians did not have much freedom.

1b. How did they win reforms?
Many Plebeians refused to fight in the army unless the patricians came to an agreement with them (497 BC-287 BC)

1c.What changes did they bring in the Roman government?
Plebeians gained better laws, marriage between the two groups was allowed, and enslavement by debt was ended. They put these laws in the Twelve Tables (set of laws).

2. Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced goverment?
Their government was a little bit of each type of government: monarchy, democracy, and aristocracy. They felt that this helped them greatly

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people?
Different parts of the territory had different laws and treatments from the romans.

4a. At the start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared stronger power?
Carthage had a greater population which was 3 times the size of Rome's, they were also very wealthy and had a really strong navy

4b. Why was Rome in fact the victor?

The had about 500,000 troops, Romes's citizen troops were generally more loyal
than Mercenaries employed by Carthage, and warfare was Roman specialty.

5. Why was the Battle of Zama a major turning point in history?

  Rome passed on Carthage's laws, its government, and its culture to Western Civilization because they were so victorious in battle.

6a. Why did the Greeks first welcome Roman armies?

Because when marching into Mecadonia Roman's though the Greeks were protectors at first

6b. Why did the Greek attitude change?

Romans interfered in the Greek politics, their power increased and some Greek city-states tried to get away from their rule.
Consul- highest elected office of the Roman Republic and an appointive office under the Empire
Veto- Latin for "I forbid."
Senate- branch of Rome's government (often had aristocrats)
Assembly- institutions in ancient Rome and they were the machinery of the legislative branch
Dictator- a ruler who assumes sole and absolute power but without hereditary ascension
Mercenaries- a person who takes role in armed conflict but they are not a national or a party in the conflict
SPQR- letters found on roman coins that mean Senatus Populusque Romanus and in english translates to the senate and the Roman people
Twelve tables- also known as Duodecim Tabulae and it is an ancient legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman Law. It formed the center piece of the constitution of the Roman Republic and the core of the mos maiorum
Cincinnatus- an aristocrat and a political figure of the Roman Republic, serving as a consul in 460 BC and a dictator in 458 BC (patrician class)
Gauls- was a region of Western Europe during the Iron Age and Roman Era, encompassing present day France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland
Pyrrhus- general and statesmen of the Hellenistic Era, he was king of the Greek tribe Molossians and he later became king of Epirus
Carthage- major urban centre that existed for almost 3,000 years on the Gulf of Tunis, it developed from a Phonecian colony
Monarchy- a form of government in which all political power is passed down to an individual (in the family)
Aristocracy- a form of government in which the best qualified citizen rules
Democracy- a form of government that allows all citizens to have an equal say

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Roman Rebublic

1.How did geography help Rome? Since Rome is near the mediterranean sea it makes them have a good trade route and strong navy. It is also very mountainus so invaders and terrorist from other parts of Europe wouldn't be able to get to them unless they they crossed the mountains.

2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development?
The Latins lived very simply they made homespun clothing and were farmers and shepards. The nest two groups Greeks and Etruscans had an impact on the growth of Rome into a city. The Greeks established 50 colonies on the coast of southern italy and Sicily. The Greek colonies prompted the Latins to call the area Magna Graecia or greater Greece. This brought Italy and Rome closer to contact with greek civilization. Last, Etruscans has a writing system which Latins didn't have. Etruscans had a great cultural influence. Latin settlers adopteed the Etruscan alphabet.

3.What were the values of early Rome society? They were Polytheists. hteir values were pretecting the household and keeping grain supplies safe. To interpert the will of the Gods they looked at the liver of a slaughtered animal. Rome was influenced by a group of values called "the ways of the fathers." They were disciplined, valued strength and loyalty. The valued strength more than beaauty and steadiness more than quickness of mind.

4a.How was the Roman household organized?The heart of Roman society was family. The oldest man would be encharge of the house. he descided everything he could sell a family member or even kill them. He decided what he wanted to do with the property also. This was called pater familias.

4b.What freedoms did women have in the family and in society?Women were enchaarge of the daily running of the household. A women in Rome had more freedom than one inAthens. She was a ciitizen with the right to own property and testify in court. girls ate meals with their husbands and advised them on buisness and politics. the did NOT have the right to vote.

5.How was the army linked to Roman society? All male citizens served in the army. Learning to fight Roman-style meant being part of a massive military unit called a legion. Every legion was seperated into 60 small groups. The Roman legion proved superiror to the Greek phalanx because the legion was more flexible. The legions were the  fighting force that spread Rome's power around the Mediterranean.

republic-a political unit that is not rued by a monarch and in which citizens with thr right to vote choose their leaders
gravitas-weightiness or seriousness
pater familias-by lawn and custom, power to rule the early Roman household belonged exculsivly to one perosn the eldest man.
toga-white piece of clothing they wore.
patrician-Rome was dominated by a small group of families of upper calles that their ancestors had been patres who founded rome
plebian-the common farmers, artisans, and merchants
legion-a massive military unit

Italy-South of Rome. Wher ethe three first settleres settled
Rome- Named after Remus  from the triumphant and murderous brother
Romulus-Brother of remus was sent out to die in the Tiber river but miraculusly survived bya she wolf. The decided to build a city near the spot they had been abandoned. Each brother took a hill top to claim leadership. In anger Romulus killled remus. Romulus died in a thunder storm
Palatine Hill- Romulus's hill top
Alps-Mountains the seperated Rome and Italy from the rest of Europe
Tiber River- The river remus and romulus was sentto afloat in
Apennines-a mountain range extending across the length of the entire peninsula from NW to SW
Latins-wandered across the alps into Italy. Settled on either side of thee Tiber River. They lived simply and wore coarse, homespun clothing. Only a few trades went out
Etruscans-Third group of settlers in Italy. Very civilized. They has a writing system. hteir letters adapted iknto the alphabet. Roman buildings hsow the influence of  Etuscan arcutecture.
Forum-a public quare of ancient roman cities
century-100 years

Monday, April 18, 2011

Test Questionss for test WENDESDAY!

776 B.C.Athenians attacked Sparta
Parthenon was finished
Olympics began

Army & Battles
Hoplites were Greek soldiers
Battle of Marathon was when the Persians attacked the Greeks and the Greeks won
Battle of Thermopile
Battle of Guagamela
Battle of Issus
Peloponessian War
Battle of Hidasspus which was against India

Peloponessian War
War started because Sparta was afraid that Greece would try to take over
Sparta won the war
Athens used the strategy that didn't work because they tried to build a wall around Athens but the Spartans attacked them from the sea
The first time people rose up against the rulers was in 508 B.C. when Isagoras was in charge

Young boys were taken from their parents when they turned 7 years old
Their strength was the army/infantry

Blind poet who told the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey
Odysseus was a war hero from the Trojan war and the Odyssey was about his journey home
The Iliad was about the Trojan War

The 3 main types of columns are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian

Doric columns on the Parthenon
The Golden Age/ Age of Pericles was the period of time that the Parthenon was built in

Wanted to make Athens the greatest city
Wanted to strengthen democracy
Died in the plague

Pottery was used to store things such as wine, perfume, and oil
Pottery places were found in the red light district

Euclid invented geometry
Archimedes invented the pulley system

The 3 main philosophers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
Aristotle tutored Alexander
Plato was a student of Socrates and Aristotle was a student of Plato
Plato wrote the apology which was about Socrates Trial

Socrates Trial
Charged with not disrespecting the gods and corrupting the youth
He was guilty and was put to death by poison
Famous statement was 'The unexamined life is not worth living."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April 15

Today we watched more of the movie on Alexander. He conquered Babalon. After he conquered Bablon he went to India where Indian's fought with huge elephants. Alexander died and everything changed red. Also if we wore the prevent genoicide shirt we got extra credit and about three people didn't wear the the shirts

April 14

  1. Alexander gets a horse named Bucephalus who is strong & stubborn
  2. Alexander's mom Olympias didn't get along with her husband Philip
  3. Philip had many mistresses which made Olympias mad
  4. At The Battle of Guagamela Alexander wanted revenge
  5. 40,000 vs. 250,000
  6. Alexander wants to kill Darius at the battle
  7. Alexander used the Phalanx formation
  8. Alexander couldn't get Philip at the battle because he had to stay with his army

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My project

Today i presented my project to Greek Philosophers. Some good questions for a test would be;
What is Allegory's cave?
What was socrates three main teachings?
Who was the greatest scientist of the Athenians lives?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Emma, Jeffy, Cole

Emma Olympics- 100
What were some of the events?
Who could participate in the Olympics?
When did the Olympics start?

Jeffy Greek architecture-100
What was one of the most important parts of Greek architecture?
Types of Columns?
What is different about the columns?

Cole Peloponnesian War-
What was the cause of the war?
What is the Delian League?
Who won the war?

Friday, April 8, 2011


Today i wasn't in class because i slept in but i got the notes from clarke.

Taylor presented today and she did her project on Homer. She didn't do a PowerPoint, she found a shortened version of one of Homer's stories, The Odyssey. Odysseus even blinded a cyclops, and then he had an affair with a witch goddess who put a spell on him, his wifes name was Penelope. They had a son together named Telemachus. Then Billy presented and he did the Hellenic Age. Alexander mixed Greek and non-Greeks together to make babies. The Hellenistic Age started when Alexander died and lasted for 200 years. Then Sara went and she did The Parthenon. The Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess, Athena. It is located in Athens and is still there today. It was built on the Acropolis, the highest hill in the city. Some of the Parthenon is destroyed because of an explosion that occurred when they were fighting the Venetians. Pericles was the one who decided to build the Parthenon. Then Clark went and he did Advances in Math and Science. Euclid and Pythagoras made breakthroughs in math by coming up with basic rules and theorems. Archimedes discovered facts about volume, and levers and pullies. Plato taught people about the world being constructed with geometric simplicity. Plato also taught people about the stars and the planets. Catherine did hers on pottery. Pottery was made fro everyday use, and they were made out of clay and then placed it in a fire. When people went different places they introduced new pottery. During the Dark Age pottery was not made very often because economic times were so bad. Gracie did hers on poetry and she explained how it was used to explain historical events and rules. People sometimes played the Lyre which is close to a guitar. One type of poem was an epic and that is a longer piece of literature like The Odyssey. Then Cristy went and she did The Trial of Socrates. The trial took place in Athens in 399 BC. The people turned to Socrates for help because he was very critical. He was arrested because he refused to acknowledge the gods and he introduced new divinities. He was later executed and found guilty.

Taylor: B+

  1. Did Odysseus's wife remain truthful to him? (not cheat on him)
  2. What mountain was Odysseus stuck on?
  3. Who found Odysseus sailing home?
Billy: B or C
  1. When did the Hellenistic Age start?
  2. How long did it last and when did it end?
  3. What did Alexander do that was a big deal?
Sara: B+
  1. Who was The Parthenon dedicated to?
  2. Who built The Parthenon?
  3. Where is it located?
Clark: A
  1. What did Euclid and Pythagoras make breakthroughs in?
  2. What did Plato teach?
  3. What did Archimedes discover?
  1. What did they make their pots out of?
  2. After molding it where did it go?
  3. What was the time called when the economy crashed?
Gracie: A
  1. Why was poetry used?
  2. What did people play during poetry?
  3. What is an example of an epic?
Cristy: A
  1. Why was Socrates arrested?
  2. What made the people turn towards Socrates?
  3. Was Socrates guilty? If so, did he die?

Alyssa and Caitlin

Alyssa: 100
What formation did Greek fight in the army?
How much did the armor cost?
What were the soldiers called?

Caitlin: 100
Were women aloud to be in plays?
Who was the first poet?
What were the three parts of the play?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kamau and Fiona's project

Kamau 95%:
How old do you have to be to be in the Sparta army?
When could you retire from the army?
Did the girls have more rights in Sparta then Athens?

Fiona 100%:
Why did the Archidamian war start?
What was the largest battle of the war?
Who was the leader in the war?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today in class we started presenting our projects. It was Cole's first day back to class and he has 20 some screws in his face! Billy forgot the cake but id bringig it next class hopefully.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Today we took a test on ancient Greece and it was really hard

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 5 Greece

Paraclese- "was digging up the city like a prostitute" He finished it in 15 years. 40 foot statues were used as collums. Most famous groups in western history. Odipus was taken away from his parents and a fortune teller told him he was going to kill his father  and marry his mother. He went on to be a great leader and solved the rittle of the sphynx. Parcalese wanted to make Athens the leader of the Mediteranian. Paraclese goes at war with Sparta. Sparta was the only city state that had as much power as Athens. Paraclese convinced Athenians to retreat to Paraues.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 4 Greece movie

Themistaclese is the greatest leader he would save Greece. Trimeme is a state of the art ship. It is a missle. The goal was to ram the other persons ship but they were very expensive.  On 483 BC Athenians found silver. The wanted to divided the riches with themselves but Themistacles wanted to use silver on the ships. They built the greatest navy. Darius died and Zurxiese took over. he wont rest untill he burns Athens to the ground. 2million men were in Zurxiese army. 480 BC the Persain army set out for Greece. the Oracal at Delphi tells him war would bring them low they are doomed. Themistaclese refused to panic. But the wooden wall only should  not fail.  they fought the Persians at sea. Salamis was a small island off the coast of Athens. thats were everyone left to. Zurxiese burnt monuments down. they fought at sea in a small water way between Athens and Salamis. At the end of the battle Peria lost 200 ships and Greece won the battle. Delian League was Athens empire. After the battle of Salimis in less than a decade it became the most powerful govemet with democracy it gave them a huge advantage. Athinians voted Themistaclese out becasue he reminded them  what they owed him. He died in exile.

Pericles was a leader of Athens. he was born into Athens most elite family. He knew they wanted a city  that can rule an empire. His vision was to make the greatest city ever; funding artist, employment building things. He wanted to build a Partenon for Athena. Pericles took the building as his own it was really important to him. Their was a 40 foot gold statue of Athena. it took 15 years to build. Partin of Frezes was a marble carved of pictures of Athenians the went around the building. It the most striking legacy of Athens.  Aspasia is a beautiful forgein prostitute who Pericles  divorced his wife for. pericles treated her as an equal witch was not likely for women. They also think she wrote his speeches for him. the favorite tales of Greek plays were about tragities. The Greeks invented drama.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

greece Day 3

People of Athens took destiny in their own hands they rose up in revolution. Isagoris is the leader after Hippiass hes on top of a mountain with Sparta. That was in 508 BC. It was the first time in history ordinary people seized power. So the people turned to Clisonisie. Agora is a central meeting place. Clisonese established voting with black and white pebbles.(democracy)  They voted on taxes, building roads, anyone could make a difference except women and slaves. 490 BC Pheidippides ran and made the most amazing achievements. The persians attacked Athens. Hipolights had their own weapons and armer Athens just took the bows and arrows they had for hunting. it was very foggy and you couldn't see anything. You just had to hope everyone pushed through. Pheiippides ran about 200 miles in less then two days. Pheidippides ran from athens to sparta. Themistocles

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Movie on Greece again

508 BC 5 centuries before the birth of Christ. Pandolonium went through the streets of Athens as they turned on their leader. Cleisthenes  was an aristocrat. He saw the ordinary people should have their own destiny. He led the people on the path to empire. he was born 570 BC. Athens was just a little place.


reading and writing was a rare skill their was no medicine.

Their are so many mountains they don't have a lot of natural things you need
Sparta- was born to be soldiers, raised on field, separated from family started at 7 years old

Stories influencecd and shaped Homer. the two most famous tales are the Illid and the Odyssey. Illid is about the trojan war.

Tyrant- a ruler
Pisistratus- a sceemer, was extremely intelligent. Wants to get support of regular people so he cuts taxes and creates loans.
Syrup is a major product so was olive oil
the vase was Athens first big thing. what was inside the pot was worth  more then the pot itself. Potters worked in the red light district that is were people get hookers. Designs were based on Egyptian and Persterian art. they made it for pride not for money.

Hippis in 514BC brother was murdered. he became suspicious of everyone when his brother was murdered he became a Tyrant of this day.

Clisonisi esmebled a consperisy to over through Hippis. He was now one of the most powerful people in Athens. Greek was changing.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Greec epowerpoint

Geography of Greece
Mountainous peninsula
Mountains cover 3/4
Approximately 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas
Skilled sailors
poor natural resources
Difficult to unite the ancient Greeks because of the terrain; developed small, independent communities.
Greece is on the Mediteranian sea. It is next to Asia and above Egypt.
20% suitable for farming
fertile valleys cover 1/4 of peninsula
because of geography the Greek diet consists of grains, grapes, olives
lack of resources most likely led to Greek colonization
temperature range from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer.

Began around 2000 BC
Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft thick wall
Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1200BC
controlled trade in the region
1400BC Mycenaeans invaded Crete absorbed Minoan culture and lanuage

Culture in Decline
around 12000 BC sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after place
the Dorians moved into the war-torn region
far less advanced
economy collapsed
writing disappeared for 400 years.

Homer and Myths
Only stories were kept and passed on by word mouth
Homer lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Ages"
Recored stories of the Trojan War in the lliad and the Odyssey(written 750-700BC)
Trojan war was probably one of the last conquest of the Mycenaeans

Greeks invented democracy.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Greeks

508 BC: Athens in Mingin Greece turned on their rulers. One man looked on name Questerlies. He saw these people should have freedom and be able to run themselves he set them on the path to empire. He was born 570 BC. He was taught he was an aristocrat. Greece used to be named Hellis. Greece was build on a strong hole. For athienians writing and reading was an uncommon skill. People had babies at 15. The whole country was in the hands of a few people.

Greece doe not have the physical unity to be a great civilization they had to many mountians. Greece did not have many rivers. It was divided into little nations called city States. Corinthians dominated Greece trades. One city state had military power it was Sparta. They were raised from the fields separated from the family. 

Spartans think death is nothing compared to eating the food they ate. Spartans were always a threat.

Ancient tales and myths were a big part of Greece. the two most famous tales are the illiot and the odyssey. Mythical figures who strength as bought them power and glory. 

Athiena was supposed to be the leading lady of Athens.Pysistersist was an extremely inteligent man. He reduced taxes and offered land. He began to transform his city.  Athenians wealth started to rise. Athens first artistic legacy was the vase. What was in the pots was worth more than the pot its self. If you were a potter you were the lowest in Greece. disigns were based on Egyptians art.

527 Pytisterist died. His son Hypisus took over. He followed in his fathers foot steps then in 514 Hypisus brother was murded and everything completely changed. He killed the muder and the murderes wife.  In revenge for his brother he gained suspicous on everyone. Pysonese tried to over power Hypsius. Hypisus became a tyrant and was banished form athens for ever.

Pyonese started to change Greek society. Once every four yea men gather and compete for  an athletic title it was the modern Olympic games. Anyone could play the games Kings could go against potters. running wrestling boxing cheriot races was some of the games. 40,000 Greeks would gather for the Olympic games. To win would be the highlight of their lives.

You have to go in their and show you can win Pyonese would do anything he could to gain power. He turned outside Athens to get support he went to Sparta. He shared his wife  with the Sparta King. He wanted to turn Athens into a subject state for Sparta. Pysonese left Greece over to a Sparta dictator.

People of Athens put their destiny in their own hand the year was 508 BC. it was Athens firt step to an Empire it was the first time in history the people took over and Cithonese came back to rule Athens.  Even ordinary Greeks could be heros in politics and Athens showed that. They could vote with black and white pebbles.
Pitipitese would make the most athletic astonishing achievments in History. His home is about to be concurred by the entire Persian empire. Athens was gaining power witch was a threat to the Persians and they hadd to destroy it.  It was between freedom and slavory between Athens and Persia. Pitipitese ran 140 miles in two days. Help was refused and they had to fight a lone. Athenians killed over 6000 Persians in one day. that was just the starrt of the war with Persia.

Tyiens where state of the art ships. the goal was to ram the enemies ship. they were very fast and very expensive. 483.BC athenians decovered silver. They wanted to diveided the silver between themselves. But Hamistaclese wanted to use the silver for ships. He pursuaded athens to build the biggest navy.
Darius dide in 486BC Zurcxises took over.t

Thursday, March 10, 2011

3-10 Greece

Cyrus the Great- found the first world empire after defeating the Median dynasty and uniting the Medes with other major Iranian tribe, the Persians.

Darius the Great-He was known to be one of the greatest rulers of the Persian dynasty.

Marathon-Greeks left their mainland and ended up in Iona. Iona was later taken over by Persia. Greeks won the war. First victory for the Greeks in the Persian war.

Xerxes:Biggest army ever assembled. revenge is fathers defeat.

Leonidas- one of the few Spartan kings to have ever undergone the notoriously harsh training of Spartan youth. He was a hero king of Sparta. Lost the battle of Thermopaly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today in class we each got a number. What ever was on our number we had o research about. My research topic was about the barbarians. The Greek would call people barbarians if they were insensitive and uncultured or cruel people. It was defiantly not something you wanted to be called.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Egypt Now

Egypt's Economy
tourism (who wouldn't want to see the pyramids?)
oil, natural gs, manufacturing

agriculture-making the most of their limited arable land (3%)

  • cotton,corn, rice, wheat, fava bean
  •  the dam controls the flooding of the Nile, and increases the amount of reclaimed land.
shomu is when the water is short.

Egypt's Demographics
79-million people-biggest population of Middle Eastern nations, third biggest African country
Cairo:6.7 million
NYC:8.3 million

Official language: Arabic (English, French, some German)
Religion is 90% Muslim, most of the rest are Christians
(Egypt is 12th in religious violence, 5th worst of religious freedom)

Egypt-flag and national anthem
red, white, and black

Egypt-politics, government, revolution
1953-Egypt declared a Republics
1954-1970-ruled by Gamal Nasser
  • nationalizes the Suez Canal
  • forms allegiance with Soviet Union
1970 ruled by Anwar Sadat
  • switches allegiance to the USA
  • attacked Israel over Sinai Peninsula, but later made peace
  • Sada assassinated in 1981
1981-2011-ruled by Hosni Mubarak
  • kept alliance with US
  • accused of corruption, political persecution, human rights violations
  • driven from office following mass demonstrations last month
Whats Next for Egypt
Egypt currently ruled by military junta, but democratic elections scheduled for September 2011
Some want Mubarak arrested and tried for embezzling from the government. He might have stolen 50-70 billion
Revolution is in the air throughout Middle East and North Africa:
  • Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria..
  • ...and Libya
Libya has been ruled by Muammar Gaddafi since 1969
  • he is violently opposing Libya's uprising
  • Libya may descend into full civil war
  • the east controlled by rebels, but he still holds the capital so far.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Part 2 notes on Prezi

Hieroglyphics are pictures and hieratic's are the alphabet

soldiers used wooden weapons (bow&arrows, spears) with bronze tips and might ride chariots.
 upper class, known as the "white kilt class"-priest, physicians, engineers.

Hatshepsut was a women who served as pharaoh.
Cleopatra also served as pharaoh much later(51-30BC)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prezi Notes

Geography of Egypt
-daily life
-goddess's and Gods

Egyptian life is centered around the Nile
-The water form the Nile comes from the mountains
-water for drinking for irrigating and bathing
-Every July it floods
-a delta is a broad marshy triangular area of fertile silt
-maninging the river needed irrigation

-The great Sphinx of Giza is the most famous pyramid built 2532BC
        -a recumbent lion with a human's head
         -oldest monumentally statue in the world

Daily Life
-bottom to top slaves and servants, farmers, artisans, merchants, scribes. soldiers, government officials, pharaohs
-slaves/servants helped the wealthy with household
-farmers raised wheat, barley, lentils onions;benefited from the Nile
-artisans would crave statues and reliefs showing military battles and scenes in afterlife
-money/barter system was useed-merchants might accept bags of grain for payment-later coinage came about
-scribes kept records, told stories,m wrote poetry

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today in class we tried to go over the test we took about three weeks ago, but it got interrupted and we never finished. I am very sorry for the class's behavior and I hope it will not happen again

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Questions for Sara

1. what did your family think about you protesting?
2. will Egypt keep your next president for the next 30 years also?
3. did you or any of your friends get hurt during the protest?
4. is there anything America could do to help?
5. what happened on police day? where you in it?
6. do you forgive the police?
7. what do you think Mubarak will have in his future will he come back and live in Egypt?
8. do you feel like you have a lot of freedom in Ciro an do you feel like your safe?
9. how has life changed since Mubarak has left?
10. What is life like in Egypt?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

building pyramids/rap assignment

Today in class we made pyramids. Me and Clarke were the fist people to finish our pyramid which means we get 100%!

For our next assignment we need to make a rap about Egypt. If we present in front of the class we get an A but i'm going to save my self the embaressment and just write it here.

This is a rhyme about the Egyptian time
the officials would protect the Pharoahs from getting shot by arrows
Pyramids are 200 metters tall but they aren't for a fancy ball
Pharoah's get buried in them when they die
Along with maybe some pie, cats and their golden mats

Monday, February 21, 2011


Mr. Schick was back in class today. He explained to us why he was absent. His daughter Martha has limes disease and she has been in the hospital. She had to get some surgery on her back. After that they had to put a catheter through her chest. The catheter is were Martha gets all of the medicine she needs and it takes about an hour to get all of the medicine in her. Martha and her family will be in my prayers. I know what the family is going through because my brother was always in the hospital.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Today in class Mr. Schick wasn't here so Mrs.Rakowski was our sub. We broke into groups again to make a power point on Egypt. Clarke and I are still doing Pyramids. is a great website to find information on pyramids. The website gives information on what they are used for, how they are built, who built them and specific information on each pyramid in Egypt. Were pretty much done our power point and I already had all the information on the pyramids so there is no more research to do for the project.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I already finished my part of the Egypt project so today in class me and Clarke were just putting extra stuff in our paper.I really do not like this one hundred fifty word blogs I don't know what to write. Well today is valentines day which is a good thing i guess because we got candy in almost every class and  my mom made us a special dinner. In class Mr. Schick also showed us our grades, but i didn't do to well.

more on pyramids

many workers too a lot of pride in their work

people believed that people had to take care of the pharoajs dead body because a part of their spirit remained or disasyter would befall egypt

people would give the pharoahs everything they needed for their afterlife like food, dolls, gold furniture

at first huge tombs were built with a mound of dirt over it

Step Pyramids were the earliest pyramids to be built

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Now a day when great leaders and even ordinary people die they get buried in a cemetery. Thousands of years ago the Egyptians had a different and more difficult way of putting their great leaders to rest. Instead of making a grave the Egyptians buried the Pharaohs in pyramids, some being over 400 feet tall. Since these pyramids were built over 2000 B.C it is pretty amazing that they could make them with no technology. They builders were Egyptians who lived in villages developed and overseen by the pharaoh’s supervisors. They were not slaves and foreigners. It takes twenty thousand to thirty thousand workers t0 build one pyramid and it is estimated that it took eighty years. The builders took big limestone blocks that could be floated from tiles right to the base of the Pyramids. Then the stones would be polished by hand and pushed up ramps to the right potion. After that architects would make sure they had an accurate pyramid shape by running ropes from the corners to the bottom. From a stone pusher to priest every worker knew  and was proud with their role in continuing the life of their pharaoh. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Question C

Jared Diamond has a theory that the reasons cultures are more developed are based on how they lived thousands of years ago and how geographically they are. Geographic luck is all of the resources you have where you live. If you have useful resources like wheat, barely, rice and domesticated animals you live in a geographically lucky area like the Middle East and the Fertile Crescent.

Unfortunately for New Guinea they have geographic bad luck. In New Guinea they only had sago which has very little protein and cannot be stored for a long time. Also the only domesticated animal they had was a pig. Pigs are good for meat but they can’t pull things to help farm or produce milk. The only thing their good for is eating which would only last a day or two.

When people are geographically unlucky they spend their time as hunter gather’s or farmers. They do not have time to make a stable house or make weapons. They are also not as healthy. Places who have more foods that have protein will be more healthy compared to the people who only eat sago and spiders. Not having domesticated animals means less food and less help with farming. Geographic luck helps make countries grow in population because they have more time with family and better storage of food.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Information For Test tomorrow 2-9

What to know on the test
where is the fertile crescent
why did the Mesopotamia do so well
who was Jared diamond what did he do....anthrapoligists, he wrote a book
name some crops that help people advance...rice, corn, wheat, barley, sorghum,
More land is known to grow wheat then anything else
 Whats good and bad about fills you up but you cant store it and doesn't have protein
What is the capital of New Guinea...Port Morsby
What is the main religion? Christian
Where is new guinea?
What are hunter gathers (short answer)...they spend all day gathering food and do not have time for anything else the have to move almost everyday
Whats the significant of having a don't have to go hunting and gathering you can fees the whole community for a long time and you don't have to move. specialized neighbor ones who make clothes and weapons and things
how can you be geographically lucky? being able to farm for a long time having the right crops and domesticated animals
What is the term cargo?material things that you aquire over life
what are good characteristics of a domesticated plant?nuetrictious, easy to pant store for a long time, you can do various things with it.
What is a good domestic animal...has to be over 100 pounds, not a carnavoir. have to get a long with other animals. can be tamed,produce milk
big animals don,t have baby's often
Modern day New Guinea...85% of jobs are farmer the other percent
significant of latitude...the same types of crops grow at the same latitude so the have the same length of day. animals will do just as well in another
What needs to happen when you get out of hunting and have to become a farmer and grow food to store
DRAA' first village to keep their crops in know what it is

Monday, February 7, 2011


In class today we got into groups for a project. Down below is all i got done in class so far. I'm not really sure what were supposed to write for this 100 word thing so today we had a peparally thing and Mr.Schick road a horse and lost the race but he did better than Mr.Ireton who did not even make it to the other side.

In the movie we saw how poor New Guinea was in the early 2000, but they have improved a lot since then.  Instead of only being able to farm sago they farm things like; coffee, cocoa, copra, palm kernels, tea, sugar, rubber, sweet potatoes, fruit, vegetables, vanilla, shell fish, poultry, pork.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Movie Part 4

Australia New Guinea North America South America Africa didn't have domesticated animals

Pigs sheep and goats were in the Middle East known as the fertile cresent the people who lived their got a great big start for farming and also eating. Some of the house from thousands of years ago has air conditioning and windows. The climate was to dry. the fertile cresent was abanded  they cut down too many trees and water was over used.

As villages grew bigger they had more people to work on the land.

Making plaster to limestone

Making fire was a big thing because steel was really important and it helped make it

people with the same latitude they will have the same day and mostly the same animals.

Suddenly their was enough to feed the farrows scribes and the people to build the pyramids  when the food got to Egypt. At the time their wasn't a single cow or wheat. this is all from the spreading of the fertile cresent.

No metle workers no metle tool since everyone in New Guinea spent time feeding them selves they didn't have anyone to make weapons

New guinea has cows they havent developed like American because they didn't have the write material. Their is still a big gap to overcome but it is growing and has been changing.

New Guinea CIA factbook
The population is about 6 million people
2nd largest island in the world
median age is 21.6
between coral sea and south pacific ocean
54 largest countries in the world
agriculture products coffee, cocoa, copra, palm kernels, tea, sugar, rubber, sweet potatoes, fruit, vegetables, vanilla; shell fish; poultry, pork
Roman catholics 27%  Evangelical Lutheran 19.5%, United Church 11.5%, Seventh-Day Adventist 10%, Pentecostal 8.6%, Evangelical Alliance 5.2%, Anglican 3.2%, Baptist 2.5%, other Protestant 8.9%, Bahai 0.3%, indigenous beliefs and other 3.3%
they speak 860 languages spread out around the country
Slightly larger than California
only 2 television stations

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Movie Part 3

You can have a surplus of food you don't have to worry about what's for dinner tomorrow.

New Guinea is the second biggest island in the world.

14 domesticated animals at least 100 pounds, goats sheep pigs cows horses donkeys. camels and other camels  watter buffaloes llamas randier yaks mythons, bali cattle. in 10000 years of domestication

South America has the biggest domestication they are lucky with llamas.

Middle east had cow pigs and goats.
 the geographic cresent are geographically blessed they had the best animals and wheat.

Movie Part 2

Hunter gathers will always be at a disadvantage

In America corn quash and beans are the big farming produce

Highland New Guinea- been farming for ten thousand years. the farms are as talented as any other farmer but the new guinea crops rot quickly and have  to be eaten in a certain time. Only had pigs for food. thats not helpful because it cant be used as plows or hide 

The type of farming is crucial it all comes down to geographic luck.

Americans have an advantage over new guinea because we have protein and more stored food.

people were only allowed to live by farming. but then nine thousand years ago they discovered animal domestication. the animals could also be used for they milk and fur would be used for clothes. animals also are used as a fertilizer for cops. The animals were only used for meat but then they found they can be used for other things like plows. 

Sheep are useful for their milk and clothes or blankets meat is the main reason for sheep
With Horses or oxes their useful for transpirtation and plowing. being able to farm and feed  more people

some birds and fish have been domesticated but not most. You want a large herbivores animal like an elephant to be domesticated. lions aren't good because you need to make other animals to feed them. You have to train elephants to work for you but it eats a lot of  food so it could be a problem   they need to be social animals. it also need to be able to get along with humans. Zebras could be as useful as horses but they are to aggressive for humans to tame. 

the 14 domesticated animals are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, camels, water buffalo, mithan

Monday, January 31, 2011

Life Before We Had Safeway

Today in class we watched a movie on Jared Diamond’s adventure around the world to see if different human races are agriculturally smarter than others. Diamond is a professor at UCLA and bird watcher. He was able to witness how we live and found food thirteen thousand years ago by traveling to New Guinea and living in a hunter gather’s life.  Hunter Gathers spend their whole day gather food and go hunting. Since everyone in the family or tribe is gathering food there is no one to build a home. Since places run out of food easily they have to pick up and leave to a new place every day. These people are kind of like bears they both gather food and have to leave to a new home. About eleven million years ago people finally realized they did not need to keep moving. If they grew their food and stored it they could stay right where they were.  Sago is one of the many gathering foods in New Guinea. One tree is 70 pounds of Sago and it is low on protein. It can also not be stored for many years like Barley and wheat like in the Middle East. This is just geographic luck. People in New Guinea have bad geographic luck because they have to eat spiders for their protein. Also, making Sago is very time consuming. In the Middle East they there is more geographic luck. They have barley and wheat which has protein, can be stored for a longer amount of time and is less time consuming. Not longer after the Middle East found barley and wheat China’s main farming produce was rice. When the ice age occurred it caused a huge drought for 1000 years killing many trees and food supplies. During the drought the Middle Eastern people started growing their own food and would stay as close to water as possible. Stone Age people where becoming the first farmers and changed land around them. Once they started farming they realized we could control nature which is domesticated crops. Domesticated crops are crops you can control and manipulate so you can keep growing and controlling crops. In Dra archeologist are starting to find remaining’s of what might have been a city during the drought 11.5 million years ago.

Finding Roots 1-31

Jared Diamond-professor at UCLA, bird watcher, trying to find origin of how some races are smarter, Interviewed a guy and asked why he had so much cargo. Witnessed how we lived and found food thirteen thousand years ago by traveling to New Guinea.

Movie Takes place in New Guinea

Highlands of New Guinea-most densely populated places here. Farming isn't as able to be stored as the middle east. The crops are low in protein and cannot be stored for years. They have a lot of Bananas. Since they have such low protein they eat big spiders for their protein.

History is when people started making records.

Hunter Gathers-they wake up to gather food and go hunting as soon as they wake up. No one has a home because everyday they have to pick up and leave to find a new place to get food their kind of like dogs or bears. 11 million years ago they finally realized that they didn't need to keep moving they can store it and they finally got a home. Sago is one of the many gathering foods it is the main food. One tree is 70 pounds of sago. Sago is low on protein. cannot produce more food then farmers and can not store food as long as farmers.
Hunting takes time and has never been a productive way of finding food. It is also very unpredictable thats way most people gather.

Barley and wheat are way more nutrition in than Sago and is found in the east. It would have to be very hot  for it to grow. durable to be stored for years.

During the drought in the middle east people started growing their own food they would stay as close to water as possible. Stone age people in the middle east where becoming the first farmers and changed land around them. Once they started farming they realized we could control  nature.

When the ice age happened it caused a huge drought  for 1000 years killing many trees and food supplies.

In Dra the archeologist are string to find remaining of what might have been a city. 11.5 million years ago was what they predict the city was in thats about when the drought happened.

Not long after middle east came China the main farming produce was rice.

Geographic luck is the way races are more healthy. People who live in New Guinea are unlucky and only have spiders to eat they also don't have protein. In the middle east they have barley and wheat which can be stored for a  long time and have protein. It is also a lot less time consuming.

People mostly spend time on finding food some cultures thats all they have time to do so no one can make weapons or building homes.

Domesticated Crops is when you can control and munipulate so you can grow different crops.