Friday, February 4, 2011

Movie Part 4

Australia New Guinea North America South America Africa didn't have domesticated animals

Pigs sheep and goats were in the Middle East known as the fertile cresent the people who lived their got a great big start for farming and also eating. Some of the house from thousands of years ago has air conditioning and windows. The climate was to dry. the fertile cresent was abanded  they cut down too many trees and water was over used.

As villages grew bigger they had more people to work on the land.

Making plaster to limestone

Making fire was a big thing because steel was really important and it helped make it

people with the same latitude they will have the same day and mostly the same animals.

Suddenly their was enough to feed the farrows scribes and the people to build the pyramids  when the food got to Egypt. At the time their wasn't a single cow or wheat. this is all from the spreading of the fertile cresent.

No metle workers no metle tool since everyone in New Guinea spent time feeding them selves they didn't have anyone to make weapons

New guinea has cows they havent developed like American because they didn't have the write material. Their is still a big gap to overcome but it is growing and has been changing.

New Guinea CIA factbook
The population is about 6 million people
2nd largest island in the world
median age is 21.6
between coral sea and south pacific ocean
54 largest countries in the world
agriculture products coffee, cocoa, copra, palm kernels, tea, sugar, rubber, sweet potatoes, fruit, vegetables, vanilla; shell fish; poultry, pork
Roman catholics 27%  Evangelical Lutheran 19.5%, United Church 11.5%, Seventh-Day Adventist 10%, Pentecostal 8.6%, Evangelical Alliance 5.2%, Anglican 3.2%, Baptist 2.5%, other Protestant 8.9%, Bahai 0.3%, indigenous beliefs and other 3.3%
they speak 860 languages spread out around the country
Slightly larger than California
only 2 television stations

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