Friday, February 11, 2011

Question C

Jared Diamond has a theory that the reasons cultures are more developed are based on how they lived thousands of years ago and how geographically they are. Geographic luck is all of the resources you have where you live. If you have useful resources like wheat, barely, rice and domesticated animals you live in a geographically lucky area like the Middle East and the Fertile Crescent.

Unfortunately for New Guinea they have geographic bad luck. In New Guinea they only had sago which has very little protein and cannot be stored for a long time. Also the only domesticated animal they had was a pig. Pigs are good for meat but they can’t pull things to help farm or produce milk. The only thing their good for is eating which would only last a day or two.

When people are geographically unlucky they spend their time as hunter gather’s or farmers. They do not have time to make a stable house or make weapons. They are also not as healthy. Places who have more foods that have protein will be more healthy compared to the people who only eat sago and spiders. Not having domesticated animals means less food and less help with farming. Geographic luck helps make countries grow in population because they have more time with family and better storage of food.

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